Y’all, I’m so excited to introduce to you our feature this week: Amy Berryhill. Women's Guide & an Artist Replenishing the Feminine Soul Body - I met this incredible woman in 2019 when I stumbled upon her Instagram profile. She radiates authenticity and this essence of real, raw, presence that is rare to come by. She’s been my embodiment coach, and guest on the podcast several times (see her first episode on aging and the wild feminine and her second episode on tapping into your menstrual cycle as a spiritual practice ). I’m so thrilled to be featuring her on our blog this week to share her gifts with the world and to get to know her on a more personal level.

“When a life becomes too controlled, there becomes less and less life to control.” - Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD.
How would you describe yourself today (since we're always evolving)? And what do you do?
I’m a women’s guide, relationship coach, and artist. I walk beside women coming home to their body’s innate feminine wisdom, deepening their bond with the Earth, and sustaining rich relationships rooted in truth.
I’m a devotee of the natural world, a sister to many, a wife to an incredible man, a lover of music and poetry under old brass candlelight, a spicy booty-shaker with a slightly dark sense of humor, and creating intimate spaces for women to steep inside and remember themselves fully, is where my heart feels both at total peace and electrically alive.
Can you share an example about a leap of faith you’ve taken in your life and how that’s manifested into something miraculous?
Five and a half years ago, I left my home state of Texas to travel solo. I bought a one-way ticket to New Zealand, then found my way through Bali and Vietnam for the next couple months. This chapter holds some of the most cherished days of my life so far. Where the roots of my Faith sank their grip deeper into the Earth, and I fell even more in love with being alive. I felt the way my body deeply belongs to the mountains, forests, and sea. I came home to myself. I expanded my capacity to both give love more freely and uphold fiercer boundaries when necessary. I learned the language of my soul through writing poetry. I learned how to hold myself through the deepest loneliness, grief, and fear. I experienced an equal degree of intense Joy and Ecstasy and Love from the darkest depths. My desire each morning was simple yet profound: to experience the most breathtaking beauty and feel God moving through me.
Although I was devoting myself to presence and truly living in the moment, at least once a day I’d hear the voice inside that wondered, “But where is Home after this?” I knew I wasn’t going back to Texas, but I had no clue what would actually be next. So, *cue Faith*, I decided I would actually TRUST, and wait, and not let urgency, fear, and self-doubt take over me. I straddled both truths of “all that matters and is real is right here” and “this chapter of travel will end and I will have to choose where to start anew.” I found that the longer I stayed in the open sky of the middle and the more I breathed into the fertile empty space of “I don’t know” and let the beauty of right here right now take me all the way in, the more my faith in the unseen grew.
I chose gratitude and curiosity about where life would guide me rather than hyper-fixating on what could go wrong (which never leads anywhere helpful or nourishing).
I remember sitting by the ocean in Bali one day, the sunset like golden honey pouring in slow motion, the perfume of salt and incense and ylang-ylang swirling through the air right into my heart. I suddenly felt all that urgency dissolve, the illusion of my doubt shatter, while something ethereal yet sturdy took me into its hold. “I trust life to guide me in ways my logical mind cannot even fathom” is a prayer that came through. “Thank you, thank you, thank you” was all I wanted to say. My hips were tethered to the warm, soft sand, and the fear in me unraveled, like a silken cord freed from its knot. I wasn’t just held. I was Held.
I got a call from a close friend a couple of weeks later, convincing me to come live with her in Oregon, where she had an extra room. A resounding YES immediately. And I couldn’t help but feel like there was something incredibly important for me there…
I met my husband, Alexander, two months after arriving ♥️
Since then, we’ve moved across the country together three times—to Colorado, Arizona, and most recently, Asheville, North Carolina. Finding and planting our roots of Home is currently our number one priority right now, and as I’ve been reflecting on this journey of travel the last several years together, I see all the wondrous beauty, adventures, and lifelong sisterhood I’ve gathered, tied together in the bundle of my body by the string of Faith.
“Currently, I'm in my CREATION era.”
My inner artist is coming alive again after an almost two-year lull (a creative death that followed a huge burst writing my first poetry book). I’m so grateful I’ve learned how to trust the feminine life cycles that govern the flow of all things in our lives. Rebirth inner spring, baby.

Please walk us through each part of the cycle and explain how it leads to a deeper spirituality.
Just as nature holds a seasonal/cyclical rhythm that is both predictable and wildly mysterious, the body of a woman too is imprinted with this primal brilliance. Our bodies by nature are miraculous, magical, and feral things, and following the spiral nature of the feminine is an ancient map lost to our modern (and highly masculinized) culture.
The Womb is the direct link to the portal of creation, the death process of release and decay, and the inevitable rebirth. Again, again, again. When we follow our inner feminine map instead of pushing, we trade our anxiety for aliveness, our forcing for flow, and our feeling of being separate and alone for a deep belonging to all of life. The way we tangibly experience this each month is mirrored by Mother Earth’s seasons. Menstruation (bleeding, winter solstice) → Follicular (spring equinox) → Ovulation (peak fertility, summer solstice) → Luteal (autumn equinox).
This is just the tip of the iceberg for experiencing the deep, nuanced waters of our menstrual cycle. This is the blueprint we all share, but if you want to truly FEEL and live by the magic of your cycle, you must develop your own. As the feminine spirals on and on, no one day will ever be the same, no matter how many times we return to each point. Feel the simple yet profound magnificence of this.
What practices for each phase should women consider incorporating?
It varies from woman to woman based on so many factors, but these are what work for me right now. Keep in mind that our needs will change with the seasons of our lives, so no practice is ever 100% concrete. It is simply that—a practice. The real magic happens when we live as feminine wisdom embodied in our day-to-day lives.
MENSTRUATION: Let your blood flow without catching (free-bleed), and simply feel the purifying release. You may also feel called to collect it and give it back to the earth. Sit in quiet stillness. Listen to the messages that come through from this dark, fertile place. Feed your sensuality by taking a warm candlelit bath with rose petals and oils. Spend time in nature by yourself if possible.
FOLLICULAR: Relish in your radiance as your energy rises with your hormones. Spend more time socializing. Move your body more! Weight-lifting to build lean muscle to support your body is easier—and way more pleasurable—when our hormones are rising.
OVULATION: First, simply feel yourself wide and radiant. Celebrate your prime fertile opening by dancing, singing, creating, making love, etc., as if you are drenching the world in your feminine essence. Make a “full bloom altar” in your home with fresh flowers. Say YES to things that light you up and lean into more exertion (it’s sexy to WORK right now!).
LUTEAL: Erotic dance. Shadow integration. Do a journal or note-burning ritual to aid in the process of release. Rest more. Eat heavier foods and more frequently throughout the day to sustain your energy levels. Make ‘bad’ art. Feel the pleasure of heightened sensation in your breasts, belly, and womb as they become heavier the closer to bleeding you get.
What are some exciting things you have coming up?
There are currently two ways to work with me! I’m enrolling women in 1:1 mentorship for the Spring and Summer, and forming an intimate virtual women’s circle and journey called Wild Essence in late June. You can learn more about both through my Instagram or website. Feel free to direct message me about either, too.
How can people find you?
IG: amy__berryhill (2 underscores 🙂)
Amy's LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/amy__berryhill